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October Promo

Sooo… we are doing an October Giveaway but… Doing it a little different than usual. We are offering a 15% discount on EVERYTHING on our site for the rest of October with promo code: savetheboobies. A winner will be chosen from those that make purchases during this promo, 5% of ALL proceeds will be donated in the winners’ name to a Breast Cancer organization of their choice and we are Challenging all fire owned and fire service friendly companies to match our donation.

First we want other companies involved. Go to our Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter pages, tag fire owned and fire service friendly companies to let them know you want their free stuff included and you want them to be challenged to donate with us. I don’t care who or what they sell. We are all on the same team.

Second tag as many people on our Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter pages as possible so the word gets out so we can make the donation as big as possible.

Lastly and one of the most important. Take some time and find a Breast Cancer Organization in your area and ask if you can volunteer.

Please share this as much as possible and ask others to do so and as always we will donate $1 per order to Next Rung and proceeds to the other organizations we commit to. Thank you

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